We strictly prohibit unauthorized access or downloading of data using any computer program including but not limited to downloaders, page scrapers, data mining, web scraping, and automated data extraction or remote protocols or technologies. You agree to not use any robot, spider, rover, scraper, or any other data mining technology or automatic or manual process to monitor, cache, frame, mask, extract data from, copy or distribute the Materials (except as may be a result of standard search engine or internet browser usage)


All music is free to use in commercial and non commercial projects. You may NOT use or re-distribute any media from freemusicvault.com as is, either for free or commercially, on any other web site, free sample site, loop or sample cd, cover mount disk, app, game, software or any other format or medium without prior consent from freemusicvault.com. For example you can’t take the music listed here and offer it as music to download on your own site.

While you may use the music in your own productions / tracks / video soundtracks etc. you can NOT claim copyright of the music as is or as part of your original composition. You may claim copyright of your composition but NOT of any content that is downloaded from freemusicvault.com. Should you use our music within media uploaded to sites such as youtube, soundcloud etc. you must make it known in the description of your uploads that you used content from freemusicvault.com


We provide our web site and services “As is” without warranty of ANY kind.


This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the United States of America.


You can use freemusicvault.com’s music available under the Creative Commons License in your multimedia project (online videos, websites, animations, etc.) for free as long as you credit freemusicvault.com

Examples of proper way to credit us: “Music: https://freemusicvault.com or “Music: « Song Title » from freemusicvault.com

You cannot:
You cannot Claim our music as your own.
You cannot Register our music in any store/platform.
You cannot use our music for Audio Podcasts or AudioBooks.
You cannot make music, song or remix with our music.


The intellectual property rights relating to this website belong to freemusicvault. Any use, reproduction, distribution, marketing, or modification of any part of the site without the permission of freemusicvault is prohibited and may lead to legal action.